4 Neartail Free Alternatives in 2024

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

Published: Apr 4, 2024

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If you're considering Neartail as your form and payment solution, the monthly fees, which can reach nearly $80 USD per month, plus transaction costs, might seem overwhelming and may be more than you're willing to commit to at this point. The good news is, there are free alternatives to Neartail that provide similar capabilities without adding extra costs. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into these cost-effective alternatives that cater to budgets of all sizes, regardless of the scale of your venture.

1. FormPay: A robust, free form-builder with integrated payments


FormPay is a great choice for businesses and organizations just starting out in e-commerce. Similar to Neartail, FormPay is like Google Forms, but elevates order forms to a beautiful operational online store where you can efficiently manage orders, accept payments, and even organize delivery and pickup.

What makes FormPay stand out is its zero monthly fees, making it the most budget-friendly option.It operates on a simple transaction fee model, charging you only when your customers pay you. This gives you greater control over your expenditures and aligns your costs directly with your income.

Designed specifically for e-commerce, FormPay offers flexibility with no limits on form submissions or paid transactions, allowing you process as many orders as you get. You’ll also receive a beautifully branded form with automated order confirmation emails for you and your customers, and an order dashboard to manage and track your orders.

Free plan includes:

  • Unlimited form submissions and payment transactions
  • No monthly fees
  • Free personalized setup with no setup fees
  • Small transaction fee per transaction

Try FormPay for free here.

2. JotForm: User-friendly form-builder


JotForm is a form-builder that has payment capabilities. There’s a free version of JotForm that only allows you to process a handful of payment transactions per month, but is likely inadequate for most businesses even if you’re just starting out. If you want to process more transitions than that, it can cost up to $129 USD per month.

JotForm is the most useful for large enterprise organizations such as healthcare institutions that need special security compliance.

Free plan includes:

  • 10 payment transactions per month with a transaction fee charge per transaction. More transactions are only available with a monthly fee.

3. Typeform: Merging functionality and aesthetics


Typeform distinguishes itself through its engaging, conversational form design, designed to create a more human connection with users. Although it has a free plan, it can be quite restrictive as it only offers 10 form responses and no payments allowed. If you want to accept payments for your orders and increase the amount of form responses, you will have to upgrade to their Basic plan of $29 USD per month with 100 form responses allowed.

Free plan includes:

  • 10 form responses with no payments allowed unless you upgrade to paid monthly fee plan with transaction fee

4. Google Forms: The original free form-builder

Google Forms

Any Neartail alternatives list would be incomplete without mentioning Google Forms. As a widely-used form-builder within the Google suite, it is a popular free option. However, Google Forms has limitations, as it doesn't support payment processing and lacks a professional appearance. In order to collect payments, you’ll need to hack a payment process together. On the other hand,  for a more seamless, polished and free form-builder alternative that collects payments, consider FormPay, offering both ecommerce functionality and a professional look for your customers.

Free plan includes:

  • Unlimited form submissions, but no payment collections capabilities


While Neartail can be a decent formbuilder solution with payments, its costs to run it can add up, particularly for small businesses and organizations. Thankfully, there are free alternatives like FormPay, JotForm, Typeform, and Google Forms that offer similar functionalities, helping you streamline your online business operations without the exorbitant costs.

Out of all the options, FormPay is the best budget-friendly option with zero monthly fees and a straightforward transaction model that offers flexibility and a sleek order management system. While JotForm and Typeform have payment capabilities, their free versions may be limited for most businesses. Google Forms, though free, lacks payment processing. Consider your business needs and transaction volume when choosing a solution. Starting with a free version that’s designed for e-commerce like FormPay is a prudent way to test and save costs as your online business grows.

Start selling online with FormPay